Livestock Biogas Systems

Livestock & Food Processing Biogas

W2E+ will develop and help run a Biogas System that is right for you. We use the Best technology to convert a variety of feedstocks, including livestock manure and food residuals, to base-load renewable energy in the form of heat and power. The use or sale of biogas energy can increase the cost effectiveness of a project. The value of the energy produced from the gas may offset the cost of collecting and processing the gas.

Biogas Can:


Generate electricity to:

  • Fuel a reciprocating engine or gas turbine.

  • Operate equipment on-farm. For example, dairies operate vacuum pumps, chillers, feed mixers and fans. Hog farms typically operate heat lamps and ventilation equipment.

  • Sell to the local power grid.

  1. Be used directly on-farm to:

    • Fuel boilers or heaters, and in most processes requiring heat, steam, or refrigeration. Dairies and hog farms generally require hot wash water for cleaning and other operations.

  2. Be processed into higher quality fuels, including:

    • Pipeline quality renewable natural gas

    • Compressed natural gas (CNG) to fuel vehicles

  3. Environmental Benefits:

    • Odor and Pathogen Control

    • Renewable Energy

    • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions

    • Nutrient Management


Biogas System

This schematic is a typical layout of a Biogas System used on a livestock farm.